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Gibson Ghoul was created by Jenny Rae Gibson in 2013. It's main goal is to revive clothing from the landfill afterlife and give it a ghoulish makeover.

It's come back from the dead numerous times and in different ways. Currently, there are many upcycled pieces as well as other thrift finds, unisex Gibson Ghoul shirts, homemade vanilla extract, hair wraps, pins and other accessories.



Bottled: October 2021

This vanilla extract smells so good, you'll want to drink it straight from the bottle!

Shake well before using

When you start to run out, add more vodka! You'll notice that the beans are still in the bottle to keep the flavor.

Ingredients: Vodka, Madagascar Vanilla Beans



One of my joys in life is thrifting.
I love finding pieces that I can give another chance to. My main finds are jean jackets, jean vests and flannels.

I learned how to screenprint and
started adding my Gibson Ghoul logo and "Strange and Unusual" to pieces to make them all one-of-a-kind.

One issue I ran into was customers wanting the logo on a shirt but maybe there wasn't a specific thrift item that they wanted.

I started offering unisex shirts in a variety of colors and sizes.

*Limited quantity left and will bring them back as print-on-demand.

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